A visibly older and tired Michael Jordan once dared his detractors in an iconic Nike commercial from the 1990s: "Tell me I'm older... Tell me I can no longer fly."

More than a decade - and a divorce and a GM stint - later, Mike is still, well, Mike.

People say that age is just a number, and while Jordan is no longer the 20-something who rocked and cradled the ball to win the NBA Slam Dunk Championship multiple times, he still has enough lift in those legs to slam it in.

In a video taken at a basketball camp in Santa Barbara, California, (known as the Michael Jordan Flight School) this weekend, Jordan is shown taking a few steps for momentum, then taking off in that motion that ends in an all-so-familiar flush.

The only difference, though, is that Michael Jordan is 50, and not many 50-year-olds can jump, much less dunk the ball. Not even if they're the same height as Mike.

Besides, it's not everyday one sees a bald guy in jeans slamming the ball through the hoop.

Watch the video below. Greatness commences at 0:20.