Steve Jobs final words were recalled in a moving eulogy performed by his sister, Mona Simpson. The eulogy was delivered at the memorial service held for the Apple co-founder at Stanford University's Memorial Church on Oct. 16.

Jobs and his sister were unknown to each other until 1985 when an attorney notified Simpson that they had found her brother. Simpson joked that she and her work colleagues bet that her long-lost sibling would be John Travolta. After their first meeting Simpson remarked that "he felt like someone I'd pick to be a friend".

She spoke of the many things that she learned from her brother, such as his famous work ethic and to never be ashamed of working hard. She also told of his desire to find his sister a good man, often calling out at men that he thought may be attractive to women, saying "Hey are you single? Do you wanna come to dinner with my sister?"

She recalled how cancer began to rob him of the simple pleasures in life, "Even ordinary pleasures, like a good peach, no longer appealed to him." But despite the illness, Jobs still tried to sketch ideas for potential products, reinforcing his hard-working ethic.

As it became apparent he was close to the end, Jobs gazed at all of his family members who had gathered by his bedside, and uttered his final words,

"Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow."