"Star Wars: Knights of the Old 2" cover art. Obsidian Entertainment

Despite being well over 10 years old, “Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic 2” is still getting updates every now and then. Although the updates allow for minimal changes, it’s good to know that the popular game is still getting support from its developer, Obsidian Entertainment.

This is the second time that “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2” and the previous update brought about new features including achievements. The new update, as seen on its Steam page, looks to add even more achievements, compatibility tweaks with mods and a number of performance improvements. There will be some changes made to all PC OS’ but there are also a list OS specific changes made.

Universal Changes

  • Added 20 user-generated achievements (see pinned thread for details)
  • Fixed an issue with Pet Rock achievement not unlocking in TSLRCM
  • Fixed a crash when adding more than five mods
  • Fixed two issues tied to Mouse Look
  • Fixed an issue with the controller menu appearing on top of dialog screens
  • Fixed an issue with Kreia not disappearing properly on Korriban
  • Fixed a shader issue causing NPC droid eyes to not be illuminated
  • Fixed an issue with alternate dialog not appearing after multiple play-throughs
  • Changed the behavior of the Light/Dark Side point achievements

Mac-specific Changes

  • Fixed a crash connected to the M4-78 mod
  • Windows-specific Changes
  • Fixed multiple issues with a spinning camera when certain third-party devices are connected
  • Fixed multiple issues connected to DPI Scaling
  • Fixed an issue with the screen being offset on high refresh-rate monitors
  • Fixed an issue with sounds continuously repeating after moving away from the sound source

Linux-specific Changes

  • Change to cloud-saves, automatically lower-casing files so they can be read on Linux

Future updates could still roll out since the game is very popular. The new added feature of achievements give the game a fresh feel to it as well. Gamespot reports that the previous update for “Knights of the Republic 2” added the Steam Workshops support which allowed the use and creation of mods.

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