Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal with their Oscars for "The Hurt Locker"

The company behind Kathyrn Bigelow and Mark Boal's film regarding the hunt for and capture of Osama Bin Laden are considering delaying its release date. This comes after much speculation from rivals of Barack Obama that the film may sensationalize the US Presidents role in Bin Laden's demise. There was concern that the films initial release date (Oct. 12, 2012) was set as a ploy to boost Obama's political fortunes in the lead up to election day on Nov. 6.

Skeptics went as far as to suggest that Obama's government released classified information to filmmakers Bigelow and Boal. These claims were rubbished and it was insisted that the only information released by the government to the filmmakers was regarding the President's role in the raid on the compound where Bin Laden was hiding.

Bigelow and Boal have come to their own defense by vehemently denying that there is any political motivation in their production. The duo pointed out that the film documents much more than Obama's role in Bin Laden's capture. The film covers the entire 10 years that the US has been in pursuit of the terrorist, and over that decade there have been three separate Presidents.

Considering the pair have been working on the project for years, it seems very unlikely that the unnamed film's release date involved any sinister political agenda.