Popular Science Web site has previously published an article on developing addiction-proof painkillers.

At that time, researchers had collected sufficient proof that a new creation of OxyContin, discharged without display in 2010, stopped abusers from getting addicted to the medicine.

A year after, another update on addiction-proof painkillers was released in the latest issue of the online magazine Nautilus. An update to create un-abuse-able painkillers was available. Recent approaches of the Nautilus reports included targeting different nerve receptors especially to ease pain without providing euphoria or the "high feeling" that abusers initially seek.

For hundreds of years, people have been attempting to discover how to get pain relief without the "high" from opioids such as OxyContin and its related chemicals, including Vicodin, Percocet, morphine and heroin, which were originally created as painkillers. This was such a difficult problem, according to Alexander Kraus, vice president for product development at the drug company Grünenthal USA.

He assumed the addiction risk with opioid painkillers was "something we have to accept," like having car accidents. So it was a great thing that researchers find ways to get the best of both worlds.

According to the Nautilus report, resolving opioid addiction is not about playing around drug chemistry. At best, "addiction-proof" formulas change the fault for drug addiction away from pharmaceutical companies and maybe function a bit to reduce abuse overall. Perhaps, most of the addicts stop ill-treating addiction-proof opioid pharmaceuticals only to start abusing heroin and similar drugs.

The report further claimed examinations are required to fight the problem and it was quite imperative to end addiction even before it starts.

Also, it explained the factors that influence people to get into addiction. It covers a smart past of science's efforts to prepare addiction-proof opioids in labs.

"Almost immediately when pharmaceutical companies started introducing products, they claimed they were either non-addictive or less addictive," reported by David Herzberg, historian at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.