Samsung Galaxy Note 8 will be a success, believes Samsung; Galaxy S8 delay a good strategy

Many tech experts, especially after the Galaxy Note 7 disaster, suggested that Samsung should discontinue the Galaxy Note series. However, Samsung has stated that Galaxy Note’s loyal fans and customer base will again buy the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 when released. Samsung's mobile chief, D.J. Koh, said in a recent press conference that Samsung is bringing out a successor of Galaxy Note 7, which is the safer, better and more innovative Galaxy Note 8. The handset will most-likely debut this fall.
According to CNET, this decision of Samsung of developing another smartphone in the Note series is a risky proposition though it will serve as a measuring stick that will prove to consumers how much progress Samsung has made. Koh said that he could not walk away from the Note fans and there are a significant number of Note loyalists. In fact, Samsung says its most loyal customers are its Note fans. Hence, a Samsung Galaxy Note 8 makes sense. Fans have made it clear that they want a new note.
Meanwhile, Samsung has stunned Galaxy fans by stating that the Galaxy S8 smartphone won’t be released at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2017. The handset may not be released till March. The delay has been reportedly caused by Samsung’s extra precaution to ensure safety for its fans. After months of probing, it has been revealed that the Galaxy Note 7 fires were caused by faulty batteries from two suppliers. In a bid to avoid a repeat of the fiasco, Samsung mobile chief Koh Dong-jin said Samsung is taking extra precautionary steps.
Samsung has not stated when it is planning to unveil the Galaxy S8 handset though certain tech experts believe the handset should start selling by April. Delaying the launch is a way to reassure fans that Samsung is on its toes and on the top of the Galaxy Note 7 disaster. Samsung’s reputation has taken a big blow though investigations have revealed that Note 7’s hardware and software were perfectly alright, reported Reuters. Stay tuned on IBT AU for more updates on Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and Galaxy S8 devices.