Reeva Steenkamp’s mother delivers daughter's speech, says she holds no hard feelings against Oscar Pistorius [Watch Video]

The news of South African sprint runner Oscar Pistorius fatally shooting his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14 2013, shook the world. Pistorius was declared guilty of culpable homicide despite claiming that he thought Reeva was an intruder. His release from prison on Monday also grabbed headlines and put the spotlight not only on Pistorius but also on Reeva’s mother, June Steenkamp. However, June delivered a speech at Saint Dominic's Priory School in Port Elizabeth, South Africa on Wednesday, which mentioned Pistorius and her desire not to hurt him nor cause him any suffering.
June decided to impart knowledge on the issue of domestic abuse at her daughter Reeva's old high school. She gave the same speech that Reeva penned down and was about to give on the day she was killed. Mrs. Steenkamp read Reeva's entire speech that also discussed family relationships as well as the difficulties she experienced in her modelling career. Reeva had to struggle in the industry as she was only 1.71 metres (5' 7") tall.
"I will now carry on where she left off," June said before reading Reeva's speech, according to a report from Associated Press (AP). Reeva wrote the speech on Feb. 14, 2013. However, the 29-year-old model wasn't able to deliver the speech herself because on that fateful day, she was shot by Pistorius in Pretoria, South Africa.
June even talked about Pistorius while answering the questions that were brought forward by the students of Saint Dominic's Priory.
"I've got no feelings of revenge. I don't want to hurt him, he is already a disabled person. I did not want him to be thrown into jail and suffering because I don't wish suffering on anyone and that's not going to bring Reeva back,” June said while addressing the students.
The ceremony was organised by the school to launch a foundation named after Reeva. The Reeva Rebecca Steenkamp Foundation will work for the welfare of women and children who are victims of domestic abuse. June also spoke exclusively to the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) Digital News after her speech at Saint Dominic's Priory. She said that it's very important that children have an open relationship with their parents to address abuse issues. June also said that abused women will be assisted by her daughter's foundation by being removed from abusive situations and given refuge. They will also be educated about the importance of having their own income to support themselves and rebuild their lives.
As for Pistorius, he was sentenced to five years in prison but was released from jail on Monday and is now kept under house arrest.
Watch the June Steenkamp on Reeva Steenkamp Foundation launch video here:
Source:YouTube/SABC Digital News
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