The world cup stadium built for the Qatar 2022 World Cup is being mocked in the social media for apparently looking like a vagina. The architect for the Al-Wakrah stadium however had no intention to depict a woman's private part.

The stadium is being called as Qatar's "Accidental Vagina Stadium" in the social media. Qatar is seen as a largely conservative country which requires people to dress modestly and discourages open display of affection, like kissing in public.

Many of the women on twitter welcome the "Accidental Vagina Stadium" of Qatar. It is seen as the biggest feminist statement that the country can make, although they realise that it was unintentional.

Aecom is the company behind the stadium along with Zaha Hadid architects. The idea behind the design was reportedly inspired by the dhow boat that was used by Qatar fishermen and pearl divers in the past.

With the tag of "Accidental Vagina Stadium" the questions being asked by football fans do not revolve around the air conditioning or seating capacity of the stadium but the design of the building.

Some fans in the social media can't wait for the stadium to be completed and the action to star, so that they can get their cameras out to take the pictures of the building to their heart's content.

The stadium reportedly has a seating capacity of 40,000 people and is expected to be completed by 2018. The stadium is one among the six stadiums being constructed for the Qatar World Cup 2022.

The construction of the stadium has received a lot attention with concerns about the exploitation of migrant construction workers. South Asian rights groups have reportedly called for a ban of the Qatar 2022 World Cup to show solidarity with the construction workers, who mostly hail from South and Southeast Asia.

Has the Qatar World Cup 2022 started on the wrong foot? With the concerns of migrant workers to the social media ridicule of the "Accidental Vagina Stadium" it will be a tall order to turn the headlines from all the negative publicity to something positive and sports centric.

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