Pokémon X and Y Update: 2014 Event Distribution [How to Receive Promotional Pikachu, Darkrai, Diancie and More]

Here is the list of the Poké-events for the Pokémon X and Y new event distribution:
Celebi Event
Fans of the time-traveling Pokémon Celebi are lucky. Fans simply transfer a Pokémon using Bank before Sept. 30, trainers are already able to get the gen-2 legendary Celebi. Just after choosing whether or not you want Battle Points or PokéMiles as a gift and you have successfully withdrawn or deposited a poke into Bank, Celebi should appear in your game. This Pokémon X and Y event for Celebi is available in the U.S., Japan and Europe.
Charizard Event
Charizard has an upcoming event in Japan. This Charizard has a mega stone opposite of your game version. If you are playing Pokémon X, Mega Charizard Y will now be accessible to you. In Pokémon X version, players can expect the attacks Fire Fang, Flamethrower, Air Slash and Inferno -- along with the Y mega stone. While in the Pokémon Y version, Pokémon gen 6 players can use Dragon Rage, Fire Fang, Air Slash and Dragon Claw in addition to the X mega stone.
Diancie Event
We wre shocked when the legendary trio of Pokémon X Y weren't available in-game now. But we once saw leaks for Diancie, Volcanion and Hoopa we knew what to await. The Diancie event hasn't been officially announced, but rumors say that it is on July 19, not only the movie release but the event will also start as well. We'll be expecting the "Cocoon Of Destruction"s release. Japanese players can access this from July 19 to Sept. 30.
Darkrai Event
The Pokémon X and Y event for Darkrai will present players with the Pokémon. According to Serebii, the Diancie movie, along with showcasing the Rock/Fairy type, will release a movie before the film begins. The film will show the same Darkrai given to Pokémon X Y players in the event. Not only that, users can see an Enigma Berry fixed to the poke. Darkrai being only accessible to those who pre-ordered a ticket to the Diancie movie, Darkrai is available from April 18 to Sept. 30 in Japan.
Electabuzz and Magmar Event
European and Australian gamers will be happy to get two of the original Pokémon in this X and Y event. Electabuzz and Magmar can be bought on certain stores by using a specific serial code. The code expires on Sept. 30 so be sure to claim it before it expires.
Garchomp and Scizor Event
This ground-loving Dragon and Bug as strong as Steel are now available in North America until June 30. This version just like Charizard and Electabuzz/Magmar, depending on which version you have, you will only get one. Garchomp is available on X version while Scizor is in Pokémon Y. The two have mega evolutions.
Pikachu Event
Japanese players and fans can get a special promotion Pikachu on June 15, and because of the World Cup 2014, this Pokémon X and Y event Pikachu will learn the move Mega Kick. Not only that, it will come at level 22 in honour of the Japanese World Cup team member Atsuto Uchida. Pikachu will also learn Quick Attack, Electro Ball and Double Team. And it also has a Light Ball item.
Vivillion Event
The Pokémon Centre in Paris will give fans the chance to get the very beautiful Pokéball pattern Vivillion. This Pokéball pattern we will all love. It has an iconic look that symbolises the whole series. You can get it in Paris between June 4 and June 21.