‘Pokemon GO’ update: Catching Larvitar explained; Revamped Gym battles, Legendaries & trading coming

It has been a few weeks since the “Pokemon GO” Gen 2 update made its way to the game. However, players are still clueless about the very elusive Pokemon Larvitar. Players want to know whether Larvitar can be found in the wild and hatched from eggs.
According to Heavy, “Pokemon GO” players have found Larvitar in mountain biomes, where players also frequently spot Nidorans, Clefairys and Dragonites. There have been exceptions, though. Some have reported catching the dual-type rock/ground Pokemon pretty much all over the place, whereas some have never seen a Larvitar in mountain biomes. However, general consensus now is that Larvitar spawns faster in mountain biomes. Players are unlikely to catch more than one Larvitar in the wild at once.
This is because Larvitar Nests hardly exist in “Pokemon GO.” Thus, players need to make sure that they catch one if it suddenly pops up on their Sightings list. Players, even living in proper biomes, have complained about the rarity of Larvitar. Some have not spotted even one since the “Pokemon GO” Gen 2 update. Majority of the players have obtained Larvitar by hatching them from 10 km eggs.
Players have reported finding a lot of Dratinis in their areas after this third migration post the “Pokemon GO” Gen 2 release. A lot of changes are coming to the game. Some of them are revamped Gym battles, Legendary Pokemon and trading. The Legendaries will reportedly arrive by the end of this year, and Hanke has promised that players will be able to catch them all, reports Polygon via Wired. However, players should not expect all rare Pokemon from second and third generations to appear right away.
Niantic wants to make the debut of one-of-a-kind monsters special, as they are already difficult to find in the mainline Pokemon games. Ditto’s late introduction to “Pokemon GO” caused quite a bit of a stir.
Meanwhile, it has been reported that another major update from Niantic could soon be announced. CEO John Hanke will be part of a SXSW panel later this week. The panel will discuss about “Augmented Reality and Urban Revitalisation.” Even if Niantic does not reveal new information on the update, Hanke is expected to discuss the new issues pertaining to the permit now needed for AR games in some parks in Milwaukee county, Wisconsin, writes Express. The 16th Nest Migration is currently underway. Spawn points are going to change globally and Niantic will offer new Pocket Monsters.