There's nothing more inspiring than forgiveness, especially when it's given to a person who had disappointed many people greatly.

According to the Quarterback of Philadelphia Eagles, Riley Cooper apologised for his racial slur, and this is enough for the team to forgive him. Whether Cooper meant or did not mean what he said is of no consequence, at least to the team.

Going back to the incident, the Eagles wide receiver used a racial slur during a Kenney Chesney concert back in June, which was caught on a cellphone camera. The video showed that at the said concert, Cooper was pointing to the crowd, saying "I will jump that fence and fight every [expletive] here."

He was at the concert with several Eagles teammates as well as coach Chip Kelly. Chesney had invited Cooper onstage to sing with him Boys of Fall.

Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie, stated beforehand that he was appalled by the team member's words and believed such conduct and attitudes should not come from any self-respecting individual in a civil society.

Cooper took it out on Twitter to say sorry to his coach. Marcus, Vick's brother however, also used this social media to offer a bounty on Cooper, offering $1,000 for a player to "light his ... up." Vick said he does not agree with this action.

In reaction to his brother's rash action, Vick said. "Riley's still my teammate. He just stood in front of us as a man and apologised for what he said. Somewhere deep down you've got to find some level of respect for that. ... My brother has to not show a certain level of ignorance himself."