A poster of Starz TV series "Outlander." Starring Caitriona Balfe as Claire and Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser. Outlander/ Facebook

Filming of “Outlander” season 4 continues, and the cast and crew will be returning to Cumbernauld Glen to film in the woods. The last time the team was here they filmed scenes related to Native Americans.

A picture posted on Twitter shows a sign post in the area. The sign post states that filming will take place on May 28 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The filming will only take place at one specific location within Glen. This location is within southwest of the Doo cot.

People who will travelling in the area will have to face some minor inconvenience because the production team has parked their equipment vehicles on the tarmac track inside Glen. The production team has laid a track way alongside their vehicles to give the pedestrians an alternate path. This track will be wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair or buggy, if necessary.

The vehicles of the crew members will be using both ends of the Glen Cumbernauld House and Broom Road. The post states that the crew members will “drive with great caution,” but it also suggests that people in the area also “exercise a degree of caution” when they are close to the crew members of the show, their vehicles, or the filming equipment.

Travelling through this area may also be a little difficult because the public may be asked to wait for short periods of time while filming is ongoing. The producers have apologised in advance for all the inconvenience they will be causing. The following portion of the article contains spoilers.

Previously leaked pictures from the production set, posted on Twitter, show what scenes were filmed at Cumbernauld Glen the last time the cast and crew were here. The pictures tease Native Americans, with their bows, arrows, and guns; filming a hostile scene. Details about what they will film this time around remains to be seen.