Just a hint about filming the Print Shop scene for “Outlander” Season 3 was enough to set the fandom on fire. The fans showed their excitement by sharing GIFs online, a list of the top ten reactions can be seen at the end of this article.

When Co-executive Producer Maril Davis teased the filming of the Print Shop scene by saying it was an “exciting day” on the set, and something she has been waiting to see; it was enough for the fans to know what was being filmed.

The fans have been waiting for news about the scene for some time now. The producers and the cast members have been teasing the filming for the past few weeks.

It has been over two decades since the book “Voyager” has been published, and the fans will now get to see their favourite moments from the book on screen. Now, as the TV series introduces new fans to the series, the old books are being read and reread.

There is still a lot of time before “Outlander” Season 3 will premiere, but the fandom has been very active, especially online. Everyday there is a new picture of the main cast members Sam Heughan (Jamie) and Caitriona Balfe (Claire). The cast and the producers have also been active, interacting with the fans whenever they can and answering the most pressing questions.

Meanwhile, the fans have been promoting the TV series, and clicking till their fingers hurt whenever there is a competition or an award, in which the show or it’s cast members are nominated. The active participation has been recognised and the fans have been placed 131 in a list of Fandom 250. The list not only includes other TV shows, but also celebrities, brands, sports and other categories.

The fans are passionate, just as they are demanding. The one major concerns that they have for “Outlander” Season 3 is that the producers don’t change anything about the Print Shop scene from the book “Voyager.” Meanwhile, here is a list of the top GIF reactions to the filming of the scene at the moment.