Naomi Watts bingeing 'Game of Thrones' to prepare for her role

Lead cast member of the “Game of Thrones” spin-off, Naomi Watts isn’t a fan of the TV series yet. The actress said that she is late when it comes to getting to know the show, and added that she will be binge watching all the season seasons of the main series in order to get acquainted with Westeros.
“I am late coming to it, I have to say…But that’s how I am with lots of things in life. I am bingeing it right now and studying. It’s very exciting,” Watts said in an interview with EntertainmentTonight. Details about the character Watts will play on the show are currently being kept under wraps.
According to the official synopsis released by HBO, the prequel is set thousands of years before the events in the current “Game of Thrones” series. The plot is set towards the end of Golden Age of Heroes, and the beginning of the Long Night.
Previously, “A Song of Ice and Fire” book series author George RR Martin had suggested that the title of the spin-off may be “The Long Night,” a name that he personally likes. However, in a recent blog post, the author said that he has been informed by HBO that a title for the prequel series hasn’t been selected yet.
“So… mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa,” Martin wrote in the post.
There are at least three other spin-off series that are currently being developed by HBO, but none of the other shows have been given the green signal yet. Meanwhile, in an interview with MTV International, a video of which has been posted on YouTube, “Star Wars” director JJ Abrams said that he would be “honoured” to direct one of the “Game of Thrones” spin-off series.
Abrams has already added his name to big franchises like “Star Trek” and “Star Wars.” Will he add “Game of Thrones” to that list?