For the nth time, Morrissey cancelled a series of shows this time in South America. It was reported that the ex-Smiths frontman and his team suffered severe food poisoning
Morrissey is already in England to recover his health. The 14 canceled dates in South America will be rescheduled in the coming months, according to a concert promoter in Peru.

In a recent letter written by Morrissey to his fans, the 54-year old singer apologized for postponing the concert and explained that it was mainly due to his health problems that he had to cancel the planned dates.

Morrissey wrote: "I can't give words to the sorrow I feel at the loss of perfect Peru. Oh, black cloud. After such a victorious and uplifting welcome of Lima love, the contaminated jinx had its way via a simple restaurant meal of penne pasta and tomato. Three hours later, both I, and security Liam have collapsed with a deadly and delirious bedridden disease. Five days of round-the-clock medical supervision just barely controls the corrosively toxic food poisoning."

Read Morrissey's full letter here.

It's no longer a surprise for fans and observers that the King of Mope has a habit of canceling shows over the past years. The South American tour was supposed to be the follow-up for the cancelled North American leg last March.

Morrissey recently revealed in an interview to a Chilean newspaper interview that he nearly died earlier this year and suffered "from a bleeding ulcer, double pneumonia and a throat condition called Barrett's oesophagus".

"It was terrible. I had played in January in Ohio, and I was perfect, but the next night at the hotel I collapsed. I lost consciousness and when I recovered, I was covered in black blood and did not know what it was," he explained.

The singer is a known vegetarian and animal rights activist. He recently won a court battle against Channel 4 for the unauthorised use of a Smiths song in Gordon Ramsay's TV commercial.

He donated the payout from his victory, which amounts to nearly $15,000, to the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). PETA will use the money to fund its campaign against the sale of the controversial goose-liver product sold at a luxury store in London.

Morrissey has a new film titled Morrissey 25: Live From Hollywood High. The film celebrates the singer's 25th anniversary as a solo artist. It will have it U.S. theatres on August 29th.

The Australian release date for Morrissey's new film has yet to be confirmed.

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