Her Royal Hotness Pippa Middleton continues to garner much attention. So much, in fact, that a British film company is reported in talks to bring her story onto the silver screen..

The Daily Mail reports that Odyssey Videos, who have released 32 DVDs documenting the lives of the royals, are finding a strong interest in a biographical film on the Duchess of Cambridge's kid sister.

"All the other royal family members have had well-documented lives, but now we are being inundated with requests to make a biopic about Pippa after the wedding," said Adrian Munsey, Odyssey founder.

"She was such a tour de force, holding her own on Kate's wedding day and looking after those small children. Pippa is the beautiful girl-next-door who every woman wants to be," he gushed. And the girl every man wants, one might add.

The question remains however, whether she has achieved enough to warrant a movie. Pippa has done boarding school, university, high-end party planning as a socialite, and is now following a career.

This writer hopes for the sake of a good movie that Pips does something that will warrant a blockbuster. Some suggestions for Pips to think about:

  1. Save the whales/dolphins.
  2. Stop global warming.
  3. Prevent World War III among the U.S., Israel and Palestine. She has smouldering looks; she can pull it off and distract everyone!
  4. Sing "Happy Birthday, Mr, President" to Barack Obama in a figure hugging, blindingly bright dress - which she can later auction off.
  5. Allow embarrassing photos of herself to get leaked. ... Oh wait .. that's already happened; scrap that.
  6. Hook up with Justin Timberlake. I can see it working out.
  7. Grow angel wings and fly to cities around the world giving children (and young journalists) gifts.
  8. Brings E.T. back to earth with a song she picks out of a hat.
  9. Make a home video. No, not THAT kind. More like her day-to-day life, which will be material that the movie can work with and expand upon.
  10. Shave her head Britney style?
  11. Lip-lock with Madonna. Don't recommend it, but hey if it works, it works.
  12. Fight invading aliens - they are out there! I think I met a few on my travels.
  13. Kick bad guys' butts like the girls in "Charlie's Angels" or Disney's "Mulan." We like a girl with power.
  14. Adopt children from the Third World and give them a good life. Create her own rainbow family. This one's my favourite.

That's only a few suggestions to get us started, which is by no means an exhaustive list. See if you can think up some more, perhaps email us.

But until then Pips, we're happy to wait for that movie of you to come out. What are you waiting for Pips? Get cracking!