A recent study by an international team of researchers found that ageing genes could play a role in melanoma, a type of skin cancer. It was found that genes that have the ability to control the length of telomeres, the caps at the end of the chromosomes, could be related to melanoma susceptability.

According to Nine MSN, the short telomeres are associated with ageing, and now research shows that the long telomeres increases the chances of melanoma. Shorter telomeres are also associated with cancer, heart disease and other conditions.

Around 11,000 cases of melanoma in Australia, Europe, Israel and the U.S were compared by the researchers. The research found that 25 percent of the sample, involving the longest of the telomeres, found to have a 30 percent higher chance of developing melanoma.

The researchers are looking to find out more about the relationship between melanoma and telomeres. They also want to learn about how an individual's genetic profile of telomeres influences the risk of melanoma. The research study was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Ageing is a process that everyone goes through but then a few age gracefully. In the present world, everyone is obsessed with their looks.

According to Bold Sky, ageing depends on a number of factors like genetic, lifestyles and food habits in addition to the environment that one lives in. Though there are lots of products available in the market for anti-ageing, they are loaded with chemicals and are not healthy for the skin either as it has a lot of side effects.

Best Diet For Anti-Ageing

Ageing can be slowed down by changing one's lifestyle. Regular exercise as well as good food habits play a huge role to slow down ageing. A list of food items that can help were recommended. Berries, dark chocolate, vegetables and red wine help reduce signs of ageing, according to Bold Sky.

As berries act like anti-oxidants, it helps keep the skin healthy. They are also rich in Vitamin C which is considered good for the skin. Berries, which have a darker colour, are said to have better effects.

Dark chocolate helps increase the blood flow to the skin. Eating it on a regular basis slows down the process of ageing. In addition to that, it helps retain moisture of the skin.

Like berries, vegetables act like anti-oxidants slowing down the process of ageing. Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale are said to be loaded with antioxidants.

Red wine contains anti-ageing components known as reseveratrol. This helps reduce risk of cancer as well as prevents formation of blood clots.

There are a few celebrities who have certainly aged beautifully. A few of them are Gwyneth Paltrow, Penelope Cruz and Elizabeth Banks.

To know who else has aged gracefully, have a look at the slideshow.