“Mass Effect: Andromeda” multiplayer, developed by Bioware and published by Electronic Arts (EA) is getting massive changes. The multiplayer mode is getting some significant adjustments, compared to “Mass Effect 3.” Bioware has also revealed how the multiplayer is connected to the single player story and how it works.

Compared to “Mass Effect 3,” “Mass Effect: Andromeda” game’s cooperative multiplayer will have some its features altered. As per GameSpot, players will be attracted to the multiplayer mode and return to the game repeatedly. The update will be both smooth and aggressive and will also have power cool downs and jetpacks.

The “Mass Effect: Andromeda” single player campaign will definitely be linked to the multiplayer but in a different way. Bioware won’t force its fans to play the multiplayer. They will always have the choice to not opt for the campaign. The developer is yet to provide details of the link-up.

It is believed that “Mass Effect: Andromeda” multiplayer mission funds will have an impact on the rest of the game. Some side missions of the single player campaign can also be accomplished in the multiplayer mode. As per a report by PC Gamer, the multiplayer of the new game will be different from “Mass Effect 3’s” concept of galactic readiness that forced players to opt for the multiplayer mode.

Moreover, unlike “Dragon Age: Inquisition,” the Andromeda multiplayer won’t be completely independent from the single player campaign but won’t impact solo playing either. The “Mass Effect: Andromeda” multiplayer will be somewhere between the two extremes.

“The first thing everyone will notice is how dynamic it is. Everything is more fluid, fast-paced, there’s a lot of action going on. The controls are also more responsive. All of that is on purpose; we really wanted to increase the dynamism and how accessible it is while retaining the depth and going more into layers,” game producer Fabrice Condominas told Game Informer.