Madonna, one of the top selling artist of all time, is currenly on tour and her current stop is Isreal. Though that is quite controversial in itself, a video recording Madonna's rehearsal shows the pop star performing the Lady Gaga song "Born this Way". This sparked the fresh rivalry between Madonna and Lady Gaga.

Plagiarism Issues?

When the song "Born This Way" first came out, many people were reminded of its similarity with Madonna's hit "Express Yourself".

"I thought, "What a wonderful way to redo my song". I mean, I recognised the chord changes. I thought it was... interesting". She also added her initial thoughts saying "when I heard it on the radio, I said "that sounds very familiar". It feels reductive." said the iconic singer when asked about the song.

In response, Lady Gaga denies such accusations saying that the only similar thing between the two songs is the chord progression.

"What a completely ridiculous thing to even question me about... If you put the songs next to each other, side by side, the only similarities are the chord progression. It's the same one that's been in disco music for the last 50 years." said Lady gaga in a report by NME.

Tribute or Diss?

In line with this, several videos of Madonna's concert rehearsals performing this controversial song by Lady Gaga leaked the web. In the video, Madonna was performing "Express Yourself" and then goes to a percussion break. After that, she sang "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga and this served as an introduction to her next songs which is She's Not Me (Hard Candy Album, 2008).

Some people are not convinced that this is Madonna's tribute to her younger rival stating that this is an indirect diss to Lady Gaga for copying her song. On the other hand, other people are saying that this a "tribute" for Lady Gaga.

Whatever the reason may be, it is interesting to see how Madonna can pull of Lady Gaga's song through her own rendition of "Born This Way".