There have been rumours that Lionel Messi is unhappy with the way FC Barcelona manager Gerardo Martino treats him. Messi has always been substituted by Martino this football season, which seems to agitate his usual game play.

Messi, on the other hand, has cleared all the bad air that has been spreading around about how he detests the way Martino utilise him. "I know when the coach wants to take me off, he will take me off, and that is fine with me," said Messi. "Everything that has been said is just rumours," he added. "While I feel good, I will play whatever is necessary, there is really no need to look for strange things," he said.

Messi is currently suffering from a hamstring injury. The Argentinian football superstar may not be able to play until early 2014. He has stated that he is not in a hurry to make a comeback just yet. He wants to make sure that all is well and he is in perfect condition before he starts playing again.

In an interview with sports news gazette Diaro Ole of Argentina, Messi confirmed that he is not eager to come back. "My plan is to go back playing when my body tells me I am fine," he said.

Some reports claimed that the change in his diet has caused him his recent injuries. Some say that his injuries were due to the distance he has to travel for endorsement commitments and international duties. However, Messi believes that it was just because of some bad luck.

"I feel sad because I did not expect it," said Messi. "I am mad because my injuries happen to me right after another," he said. "It is not okay to pick up an injury, but I wouldn't have it any other way," he concluded.


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