Lindsay Lohan mugshot

Lindsay Lohan continued her blase attitude to community service and probation as she turned up around 40 minutes late for her scheduled work at Los Angeles County morgue.

The star was scheduled to start work at 8-am but didn't arrive until 8:40-am, claiming that her tardiness was down to a combination of not knowing which entrance to go through and confusion caused by the paparazzi waiting for her outside the morgue.

This excuse was rubbished by the the morgue's Assistant Chief Coroner, Ed Winter, who claimed that she had been to the coroner's office before.

Winter also insisted that the Coroner had given Lohan in-depth directions to avoid any problems.

As the troubled star is only required to complete 16 hours of service at the morgue before Nov. 2 she hasn't actually violated her probation and will not incur the wrath of the judge as yet.

Nonetheless Lohan will be wise to set off a little earlier when she tries to complete some hours at the morgue next time.