The troubled star is said to be flat broke and still straddled with financial woes as she tries to make a comeback in Hollywood. Lilo, 27, apparently is flat broke that two of her credit cards were rejected when the "Mean Girls" star shopped. The star was said to be so embarrassed and tried to negotiate with the salespeople in the boutique when her friend stepped in and offered to pay the purchase.

"Lindsay was trying to buy something for around $300 but her credit cards were declined. She looked really embarrassed and tried to negotiate before her friend finally stepped in and paid," a close insider to Lilo revealed.

According to NY, the troubled actress' two credit cards were denied in Rag & Bone on Mercer Street for a $300 purchase. An insider close to Lindsay Lohan admitted that the actress was so broke that her production team of her reality show on Oprah Winfrey's OWN had to step in and save the troubled starlet from rent pays and security deposits.

However, a Lohan rep answered the controversies and said that the allegations were "completely false".

Is Lindsay Lohan really flat broke? Or is she trying to gain the public's sympathy to land her new roles for her halted acting career?

In other news, the starlet has been coming under fire for posting a list of all the men she had apparently slept with. Looks like the star just cannot get enough of the negative attention. The "bang list" of Lindsay Lohan has been making rounds all over the internet as it included numerous famous celebrities.

On her list were Zac Efron, Heath Ledger, Justin Timberlake, James Franco, Guy Berryman (Coldpay), Adam Levine of Maroon 5, Wilmer Valderrama.

Lindsay Lohan casually mentioned about the list on "The Ellen Show" claiming that she ventured into the music industry when she wrote a song about her breakup with Wilmer Valderrama back in 2004. James Franco has since denied ever sleeping with Lindsay Lohan. Other men who were on the list were not revealed to the public because of legal constraints.