Lady Gaga is no stranger to controversy as she has done some things that can be described as strange or different. Nowadays, Lady Gaga is facing a different kind of controversy as protesters are rallying against her upcoming concert in Jakarta, Indonesia.

When the news about the protest against her concert was highlighted, Lady Gaga decided to keep silent about this subject. The singer broke this silence and took to Twitter in order to react about this situation. This is the contents of Lady Gaga's tweet:

"The Jakarta situation is 2-fold: Indonesian authorities demand I censor the show & religious extremist separately, are threatening violence. If the show does go on as scheduled, I will perform the BTWBall alone."

Lady Gaga is supposed to perform in Jakarta, Indonesia on June 3, but this was met with protests and violent reaction from Islamic groups. Indonesian Police have already responded that they would not issue a permit for the show but the promoters for the said concert are still trying to fight for the concert to push through.

Aside from the protest, there is also a violent threat from the opposing group which implies that there would be violence if ever the concert will happen. On the other hand, there are also fans that are eager to see Lady Gaga perform.

Lady Gaga was also met with protest during her concert in Manila, Philippines. Though that is the case, Lady Gaga was still able to perform at a sold out crowd for two consecutive nights. She also took time to add about her thoughts on the protests against her concert stating:

"I just feel like, you know, so many people have been protesting and it really doesn't bother me truly because I know that there has to be change, but for all those kids all over the world that take their lives when they're so young because they feel bullied or they're afraid because they're gay and they don't want to tell anybody, don't you think that some of us should stand up and say the god**n truth?"