Britain's Prince William and his wife Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, pose in front of Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, April 22, 2014. Britain's Prince William, his wife Kate and their son Prince George are on a three-week tour of New Zealand
Britain's Prince William and his wife Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, pose in front of Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, April 22, 2014. Britain's Prince William, his wife Kate and their son Prince George are on a three-week tour of New Zealand and Australia. REUTERS/Phil Noble Reuters/PhilNoble

Last the Sep. 16 during the Dr. Oz Show, Dr. Mehmet Oz discussed Kate Middleton's morning sickness and how resetting fat hormones can enhance weight loss.

Gynaecologist Dr. Lauren Streicher was Dr. Oz's guest who spoke about Kate Middleton's severe morning sickness, reported Examiner. Kate is suffering from hyperemesis gravidarium, a condition causing severe vomiting, nausea and weight loss. She suffered from the condition during her first pregnancy with Prince George as well.

Dr. Lauren said that two-thirds of people usually suffer from morning sickness, but hyperemesis gravidarium is a rare and dangerous condition and is a severe form of morning condition. She added that one or two percent of pregnancies get affected by this condition and results in weight loss of more than ten pounds as well as dehydration and could even result in miscarriage.

Dr. Oz said that those suffering from any of the symptoms should immediately rush to the hospital to protect the health of both, the mother as well as the unborn baby. He said that it was of utmost importance for pregnant women to stay hydrated especially for those like Kate Middleton, who are suffering from hyperemesis gravidarium.

As Kate Middleton is under the care of physicians, she has nothing to worry about.

According to People magazine, Kate was scheduled to travel to Malta, but because of her condition she might have to cancel it. Kate wants to stick to her royal responsibilities and go ahead with the trip but is still unsure.

Dr. Oz advised Kate to be as cautious as possible about her health because even during her first pregnancy, she had to make trips to the hospital due to the severity of her sickness.

The other half of the show was about weight loss by controlling the hormones. A naturopathic doctor as well as the author of the 'Superchanged Hormone Diet', Dr. Natasha Turner was his guest who spoke about losing weight naturally without starving oneself.

She said that if one was having trouble with losing weight though they cut a lot of calories as well as exercised more, it means that the hormones were out of control that causes slow metabolism and increases appetite.

Turner had a similar experience when she had gained some amount of weight despite cutting down on calories and exercising too much. Later on, she realised that it was because of a hormonal imbalance.

She told Dr. Oz that under-eating and over-exercising raises cortisol that is linked to more belly fat as well as suppressing the thyroid hormone.

YouTube/ Tini Endah