Johnny Depp makes a cameo on Ricky Gervais' new show

Ricky Gervais finally got his comeuppance from Johnny Depp for slating the actor's performance in the film "The Tourist". Gervais famously said of the film whilst presenting the Golden Globes, "It seems like everything this year was three dimensional - except for the characters in The Tourist". The quip left Depp, who was in attendance, looking disgruntled.

The star has shown himself to be a good sport however, as his retaliation to Gervais was in fact all part of the comedian's new television show "Life's Too Short". The show follows Warwick Davis as the head of a talent agency for dwarves, or as Gervais would describe it "little people". Depp even jumped on the insult bandwagon by making a tongue-in-cheek remark defending the honor of Tim Allen, who was also slated at the Golden Globes by Gervais.

This isn't the first time that Ricky Gervais has shown immense star-power in recruiting actor's for his television shows. In his previous production "Extra's" he roped in a whole catalogue of A-list stars including Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller, David Bowie and Sir Ian McKellan and regularly convinced them to make fools of themselves.

The show "Life's Too Short" will first be broadcast on BBC 2 in the UK before reaching other screens across the world.

Check out the video below of Depp's amusing cameo on the show.