In an exclusive interview with Katie Couric, Heidi Klum has admitted for the very first time that she is dating her bodyguard Martin Kristen.

The 39-year old supermodel guested on Katie Couric's show and admitted that she is dating her bodyguard. But when asked about the "relationship," she said she was unsure if she could call it that. Klum said that their romance has just started and was doubtful if she can call it a "proper relationship."

"I don't even know if I can call it that. I don't know," Klum said. "He's been with our family for the last four years. He's cared for our entire family, mostly for our four children, helped us tremendously. I trust him with my children's life. He's a great man, you know, and we just got to know each other from a completely different side."

Heidi was very open about elaborating her 4 years of friendship with Martin, whom her ex-husband Seal recently criticized. Couric mentioned Seal's comment that Heidi was "fornicating with the help" while they were still married and Heidi responded calmly.

"Yes, he has a very unique choice of words. I'm used to them. I don't know. I don't love that. Obviously, it's not true. I've never looked at another man while I was with him," Heidi said. "And it's hard when you think that he thinks that, you don't know...he was hurt..."

According to Heidi, both her and Seal have moved on since announcing their split last January but the media scrutiny has placed them under pressure.

"He's moved on. When we separated he's moved on and so have I. And it's very hard when you start seeing somebody again, you know. All of a sudden. It's hard then when everyone is watching you. It's almost like you can't have a real proper chance in a way," the model said.

Heidi also admitted that she isn't on good terms with Seal on the wake of their divorce; in addition to that, she was surprised when the singer accused her of having an affair with her bodyguard.

However, she confessed that she is now on speaking terms with Seal and they are taking it one day at a time.

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