Harrison Ford in Good Spirits After Having a Door Fell on Him on 'Star Wars: Episode VII' Set

Harrison Ford is currently in a hospital receiving critical care for having a hydraulic door fell on him and hit him while filming for "Star Wars: Episode VII" Onlookers claimed that the accident was bad, and producers are doing all that they can to ensure that Ford becomes a hundred percent okay, Mirror UK reports. The 71-year old veteran actor is also said to be in good spirits even after the shocking accident.
The actor reportedly got hit by the door of the Millienium Falcon, the spaceship that his character flies in the on the original films he starred in four decades ago.
A source shared: "Harrison was hit by the door and looked in a bad way and was clutching his chest when he was on the stretcher."
"He is one of Hollywood's biggest stars and no chances were being taken so he got into a helicopter and was taken away in a lot of pain. His foot was damaged too."
"The cast and crew were sent home for the day, even though it was 5pm and the beginning of a night shoot. Harrison's injury and what happened is going to mean changes to the schedule and problems and issues that need to be solved."
"But the main thing at the moment is making sure Harrison is OK."
Police report on the said event claimed Ford sustained injuries that are not life-threatening. A spokesman for Thames Valley police said: "We were called just after 5pm to reports of a 71-year-old man being injured in an incident believed to involve a garage door.
"The man was airlifted to John Radcliffe Hospital with injuries which are not believed to be life threatening," the representative added.
"The Health and Safety Executive is investigating."
The veteran actor however, was taken to NHS Hospital because of a suspected fracture in his ankle. While observations claimed he did not sustain major chest injuries, he is still currently awaiting the results of more tests to confirm this. The NHS hospital was chosen because it has a trauma unit that specializes in fracture clinics.
Still, despite his hurting condition, Harrison Ford remains in good spirits after his accident, Mirror UK reports. According to a spokesperson for Lucas Films, the actor is emotionally positive even though he is still physically ailing. She told The Sun newspaper: "He sustained an injury on set but I'm told he is in good spirits now."
Harrison Ford has starred in the original Star War films almost four decades ago. The news of him making an appearance made Star Wars Episode VII's hardcore fans excited. However, fans are now worried that this can cause a delay on the movie's release despite Disney's decision to continue filming while Harrison Ford heals.