Before the advent of the digitally enhanced movies and other books that made characters such as vampires look, there were the real scary movies that made viewers curl up on their couches watching the movies.

Although these movies were made when technology couldn't really enhance the needed special effects they seemed to creep viewers out. Here are the top 5 vampire movies..

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Despite this movie has many variations, the original version is still the best. The book was a thrilling story about Count Dracula where an Englishman goes to visit the Count in castle Dracula in Bulgaria. If you think that you won't be spooked out by the book or the movie, just watch it.


This is another vampire movie but certainly it is a creepy one. It is about a director that lives with the vampire to film what he does every day until his craving for human blood get the best of him.

30 Days of Night

This is not about handsome-looking vampires. This movie is based on how a community has to deal with vampires that come out at night. They live in Alaska where during the night for 30 days these vampires are craving for blood.


Before vampires and werewolves fought over a girl, these creatures fought with each other which made everything scarier. Kate Beckinsale plays Selene, a vampire that fights werewolves. Their ongoing battle happens underneath the streets of the City where she falls in love with a hybrid. This is when the werewolves and vampires show who's the scarier creature of the night.

An Interview with a Vampire

The movie that shows Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt together as vampires during the 16th century. The best movie that you could watch was that from Anne Rice's book, "An Interview with a Vampire," where the interviewer tries to interview a century-old vampire.