'Gotham' season 2 spoilers: 'Pee-Wee' actor Paul Reubens to play The Penguin's father in 'Wrath of the Villains: Mad Grey Dawn'

Season 2 Episode 15 of “Gotham” will present Paul Reubens as The Penguin’s father. His character, Elijan Van Dahl, will be seen in the life of the young Penguin and will most likely have effects on the developing villain.
Spoiler alert: This article contains “Gotham season 2” spoilers. Read on if you would like to know what happens next before the new episode airs.
“Gordon and Bullock investigate a trail of clues left in a museum robbery, which, unbeknownst to them, were left by Nygma in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse. Meanwhile, Gordon’s past comes back to haunt him when an anonymous person threatens to expose his hand in Galavan’s murder. Also, Penguin’s visit to some old friends leads him to meet his father, Elijah Van Dalh (guest star Paul Reubens), and Bruce practices his street smarts,” stated the official episode synopsis.
ComicBook reports that Robin Lord Taylor, who plays Penguin on the show, has a lot of good words for Paul Reubens, describing the latter as a delight to work with and one of his heroes. Taylor said that working with his childhood idol was a great experience.
He met Reubens two months before they actually started filming so it was easier for the young actor to adjust, but he remained excited throughout. He added that it was amazing to have someone kind and funny with them and he could feel how much Taylor loved being with them.
ComicBook also notes that it will be the first time that Reuben will appear on “Gotham.” He will first be spotted by viewers in the latter half of the second season. He will return to Penguin’s life after the death of his mother and after being incarcerated in Arkham Asylum. It is still uncertain how his appearance will affect the young Oswald. It will not actually be the first time that Reuben will play the role, since he was also Penguin’s father in the 1992 film “Batman Returns” by Tim Burton.
Other guest stars include Clare Foley (Ivy Pepper), Ian Quinlan (Pinkney), Melinda Clarke (Grace Van Dahl), Justin Mark (Charles Van Dahl) and Kaley Ronayne (Sasha Van Dahl).
“Wrath of the Villains: Mad Grey Dawn” will air on Mar. 21 on Fox. More updates and details are expected soon.
Source: YouTube/ComicBookCast2