Forum debates have been going on whether recent update Google Chrome to eventually click goodbye to long URL is a forward or backward change on the browser.

According to the recent update of Google Canary 36, Google's experimental browser, only the website name and domain will be shown on the address bar instead of the entire long URL which is currently experienced by many users.

Google Canary refers to the playground browser with minimal design where developers and early adopters test the new features of Google Chrome and give their feedback to make the sophisticated web technology even faster, safer, and easier.

When one types a URL or search the web on the Omnibox or the single bar at the uppermost part of the screen, there is a flag called "Enable origin chip in the Omnibox" which can be seen next to the Omnibox where one can search Google or input a new URL.

According to some users at Y Combinator forum, the new update of removing the long URL is totally cool for one does not need any more to type the lengthy URL but just types the short URL on the address bar. When the "did you mean...?" appears on the search results, one just has to click yes to the questions makes also the computer to easily remember the address in the future.

Other users also pointed out the possibility of many people actually using the same thing. Instead of typing the entire long URL on the address bar, there are people who just type Hotmail/Live/Outlook into Google and just follow the link.

On the other hand, there are also users from the same forum who stated their disgust to the possible removal of long URL from Google Chrome.

Although, there are users who viewed the new update as good for anti-phishing, such update has high probability of various fraudulent attempts for many users are not very keen on verifying dupe internet sites who might have just slightly altered the web address.

There are also others who speculated that the new update will drive away the user in favor of the other websites since there will be other listings and ads shown on the search results instead of directly going to the intended page with the long URL.

Should this experimental update on Google Chrome gain positive feedback from users at Google Canary, this will indeed get a full launch at clicking goodbye to long URL.

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