'Game of Thrones' season 8 spoilers: A Stark in Dragonpit

Filming of the Dragonpit scene has finally begun for “Game of Thrones” season 8. According to a new report, an unexpected character will be making an appearance in this scene. The following article contains spoilers.
The Dragonpit in King’s Landing is the place where Cersei (Lena Headey) had that famous meeting with Daenerys (Emilia Clarke), Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and the others in season 7. Now, some of the characters will be returning to this same location in the final season in what is expected to be yet another epic scene.
It has been a while since the Dragonpit set at Itálica, Province of Seville in Spain has been prepared. It is only now that the filming has begun at this location, WatchersontheWall reports. The production crew has reportedly arrived, but it isn’t clear for how long the shoot will last this time around at this location. The team is expected to wrap things up quickly, and they may not stay for a whole month here.
With the start of filming, signboards have been put up around the area to warn people not to use drones to get a glimpse of what is being filmed. Despite the precautions that have been taken, one big information about a major character appears to have leaked out.
A picture of cast member Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) has surfaced online, showing the actress in Seville. She is supposed to be holidaying there, but the location and timing does raise eyebrows. Will Arya take part in the Dragonpit scene?
It isn’t clear what the new Dragonpit scene will be about, but with Arya possibly being a part of it the scene may not be restricted to just negotiations. Will the young Strak infiltrate the Lannister stronghold and wipe out her enemies the way she did the House of Frey?