'Game of Thrones' season 7 update, spoilers: Characters who will meet for the first time

Emmy award-winning TV series “Game of Thrones” has massive storylines. The show never fails to develop characters, establish plots and expand beyond the seven kingdoms. So massive, in fact, that some of the characters that have been in the show since the beginning have not even met six seasons later. Next season, however, looks promising, and we may witness old faces seeing eye to eye for the first time.
Spoiler alert! This article contains "Game of Thrones" spoilers. Read only if you want to know more about it.
The HBO series is based on the “A Song of Ice and Fire” novels of George R. R. Martin. The novelist has been taking his time writing the follow-up book “The Winds of Winter,” and the TV show has already stormed past the publication storylines. Even those who have already read the books have no idea what to expect next season.
The “Game of Thrones” fan site Watchers on the Wall has been keeping fellow fans up-to-date with inside scoops and production secrets of the forthcoming seventh season. The latest buzz according to one of their sources is that the Daenerys Targayen (Emilia Clarke) is set to meet Brienne of Tarth (Gwendoline Christie) and Ser Davos Seaworth (Liam Cunningham) at the Dragonpit, a huge, cavernous building that sits atop The Hill of Rhaenys in King's Landing that used to house the Targaryen family’s dragons. The scene will be shot in Italica, the Roman ruins located in Santiponce, Spain.
Brienne and Ser Davos are now trusted allies of the surviving Stark children, who have recently taken back the North. It presumably won’t be long until the Mother of Dragons herself meets the newly crowned King in the North, Jon Snow. The khaleesi may see him as a threat, though, as she continues her unwavering quest of conquering the whole Westeros.
“Game of Thrones” season 7 will premiere in June 2017, breaking away from the traditional April premiere date. The season will consist of only seven episodes, shortening their usual number of 10. The end is in sight for the HBO epic fantasy series as the eighth season has been confirmed to be the last.