'Game of Thrones'
Executive producers and directors David Benioff (L) and Daniel Brett Weiss take part in the filming for Season 6 of HBO TV series "Game of Thrones'" northeast of Spain, Girona, September 3, 2015. Home Box Office Inc. is filming part of the sixth season of the American fantasy TV series in Girona. Reuters/Gustau Nacarino

“Game of Thrones” Season 7 release date will be delayed, the producers of the show have confirmed. Since winter has finally arrived on the show, the production can’t take place in sunny weather. However, The Canadian Broadcast Company (CBC) offers the TV series an alternative.

“If winter is here, why not shoot in Canada?” CBC asks the producers of the show. Executive Producers and showrunners D.B. Weiss and David Benioff recently revealed that they don’t have an air date yet, and that the premiere of the show may have to be pushed back, as they are starting production a little later this year.

Because of the winter in the TV series, the producers want to film in some “grim, gray weather.” The hunt for filming locations and the production process usually begins after the finale episode of the show airs, or a little earlier than that. However, this year the producers have “pushed everything down the line,” as the current sunny weather in the usual locations won’t serves the purposes of the show.

The CBC humbly suggests an alternative to give the fans an early “Game of Thrones” Season 7 premiere. They quote the Canadian Winter Olympics team who said #WeAreWinter.

Some of the locations in Canada that can stand in for locations in Westeros, according to CBS, are Quebec City, Lake Louise, Marble Mountain and Ivvavik National Park. They point out that some of the arid regions of Essos such as Meereen, Braavos and Vaes Dothrak may not be featured in the next season, as most of the plot will now focus on the final fight for the Iron Throne and the war against the White Walkers in Westeros.

The Canadian locations could therefore stand in for the North, the Vale, the Reach and maybe King’s Landing as well. The report does not reveal, however, whether there would be any tax benefits for the TV series for filming in their country. Meanwhile, the invitation to film “Game of Thrones’ Season 7 stands and the country is ready to welcome all the cast members of the show.