Samsung is giving out customers of Galaxy S5, $575 worth of freebies as Galaxy gifts and as a "come on" offering. The company bundles freebies with the S5 which are claimed to total $575. Aside from enjoying the latest high-end smartphone model of today, the S5 customer can check on the free subscriptions for selected apps.

The Galaxy Gifts section lists promo offers, services and long-term subscriptions as free. That means Galaxy S5 owners can benefit of the free Wall Street Journal subscription for six months, which would have cost $160. Avid Evernote users can enjoy a three-month subscription for its premium service with price at $15 and there's another subscription, of Bloomberg Businessweek for 12 months, worth $30.

It's not all about serious stuff though as Samsung also packs a free in-app purchase of up to $10 Cut the Rope 2 plus 50GB cloud storage of Box for six months which is worth $60 and an 1TB storage for 3 months in Bitcasa that is worth $30. Another one to take advantage of is a premium account of LinkedIn costing $75.

Part of the offer is the Paypal special deal worth $50, as well as subscriptions for easilyDo Pro of $5 and Flick Data app worth $2. The device also has a freebie of premium fitness apps like RunKeeper ($20), Skimble's Workout Trainer ($4), personal wellness assistant ($36) as well as Map My Fitness ($36).

It still has to go out to the market but the Galaxy S5 has earned a handful of jokes from rivals Nokia and HTC. Nonetheless, these goodies can give S5 added value. There may be some comments about the high prices of fitness apps and they are not for everyone, but it is great for the company to put the add-ons as Galaxy Gifts offers.

When the newest Android smartphone from Samsung came out during the recent Mobile World Congress 2014, Jessica Dolcourt of CNET Review called it an excellent device which will keep its maker at or near the top of the smartphone race. Adding freebies and goodies to a great device like the Galaxy S5 is a wise move.