Naomie Harris, confirmed to play Miss Moneypenny in the 23rd James Bond film

French actress Bérénice Marlohe is set to star as a Bond girl in the 23rd film of the franchise. The Sam Mendes-directed film (reported to be called "Skyfall") will be the actress's first English-speaking role. The stunning actress is only recently breaking into film, with most of her experience coming in French television. She is currently filming "Un boneur n'arrive jamais seul", starring alongside former Bond girl Sophie Marceau.

Bond films have a reputation for selecting relatively unknown actresses and giving them their big break. A prime example of the positive effect the role can have on one's career is Kim Basinger who was little-known prior to her breakout role in "Never Say Never Again".

Another female confirmed for the film is Naomie Harris, famed for her role as Tia Dalma in the 2nd and 3rd "Pirates of the Caribbean" films. The English actress will take on the ever-rotating role of Miss Moneypenny.