Okay, it is not clear what this animal even IS, but it is SO cute! Freakishly cute that is...

The furry orange and brown spotted ball of fur with bulging red eyes has confused zookeepers in China after it was given in to them by an anonymous man.

The little critter was handed to zookeepers in China by two anonymous men.

Zookeepers from the city of Wenling have not been able to identify the creature and now believe they may have stumbled across a new type of monkey or possum, according to the Daily Mail.

The rat-like animal has a marbled tortoise-shell coloured fur with pointy paws and a bushy tail.

The zoo said the animal measures about 25cm in length and liked to eat grass. How cute! Environmentally friendly too..

Wenling Zoo manager Wang Gang told news website SINA zoologists had not been able to identify the creature.

"I have consulted animal experts from Hanghou, Shanghai and Wenzhou, but right now no one is able to tell me what this little creature is called, " Mr Wang said.

Keepers have said they will continue in the monitoring of the animal's development in the hope that it may grow into something more recognisable.

Who could this animal be? I emailed my friends and have collated some theories. My favourite ones have made this list:

  1. An alien from Mars...trying to take on a mammalian form to blend in with us..and observe us. Creepy. *shudders*
  1. My 8th grade Latin teacher in disguise.
  1. The result of an experiment to cross multiple species?
  1. Maybe it has a multi-country residence? I could swear I saw him/her/it in a South Sydney football field last week...I just thought it was a flamboyant possum(show off, I thought). If this theory is true...go you! Global Citizen!

Whatever and whoever you are little fellow, a few little messages for you:

  1. Welcome to Earth! We hope you enjoy your stay.
  1. Don't damage the environment. We've done it enough already. We're good that way.
  1. We hope you come in peace and don't morph into a scary blobby alien that swallows everyone..inconvenient timing you see...I've got exams coming up...
  1. We hope the zookeepers in China are looking after you fine, and that you are well fed and rested.
  1. If you escape, don't forget to write to us Earthlings. We humans, we love a follow up.
  1. If you need to destroy anything, please make it Madonna's leotard. Some things are just not worth hanging on to. Thanks!

Take it easy buddy - don't over-exert yourself!