'The Flash' season 2 episode 12 spoilers: Wally West gets in trouble

“The Flash” Season 2 Episode 12 is set to air on Feb. 2. A new trailer and batch of photos have recently been revealed for the episode titled “Fast Lane.”
Spoiler alert! This article contains “The Flash” Season 2 spoilers. Read on if you would like to know what happens next before the new episode airs.
“Barry (Grant Gustin) teams up with Wells (Tom Cavanagh) to figure out a way to close the breaches, but they are distracted by a meta-human nicknamed Tar Pit (guest Star Marco Grazzini) who can transform into liquid asphalt. Iris (Candice Patton) is concerned for Wally’s (Keiynan Lonsdale) safety after she finds out about his drag racing hobby. When he refuses to stop she makes a bold move that puts her in danger,” the episode synopsis states.
Movie Pilot points out that in the promo trailer, Cisco receives an alert on his phone, which noticeably has a unique ringtone. Cisco actually prepared Metahuman alerts on his mobile device to immediately get a response from The Flash. The alert also somehow introduces the coming of a new villain, named Tar Pit, who will appear more human compared to his looks in the comics. One of his arms, however, is strikingly similar to the comics, including the color.
Zoom will also be coming back in Episode 12. Zoom was featured discussing the speed of The Flash to Earth-2 Harrison Wells. In another scene, Harry was working on his speed formula. He seems to be getting closer to using it.
Wally West will also most likely meet The Flash for the first time. The footage showed that a car was flipped in an area that looks the same as the location where Wally was previously street racing. In the same place, Iris was also hit by a shard of flying glass. The injury might be minor or serious.
Flickering Myth also shows images from Season 2 Episode 12, including The Flash in a car scene and Harry busy at work on his formula.
Fans might find out when Harry will decide to use the formula, as well as see how The Flash and his friends will try to stop Tar Pit.
“Fast Lane” will air on Feb. 2 on The CW.
“The Flash” season 2 episode 12 promo.
Source: YouTube/Promos and Previews