Last week, the movie poster for "The Fault in Our Stars" was revealed. While some fans loved the poster, not many were pleased with the tagline used. John Green had already spoken up about it claiming there was nothing wrong about "One Sick Love Story." Yet, how did the main stars, Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort react to it?

The film adaptation of John Green's best-selling young adult novel, "The Fault in Our Stars" is soon to hit theatres by 2014. After much wait, the movie poster had been revealed late last week. Lying on the grass complete with her oxygen tube is Shailene Woodley as Hazel Grace Lancaster and Ansel Elgort as Augustus Waters.

Check out the poster here. Looking at it now, it would strike as the perfect poster for the film, save for the tagline: "One Sick Love Story." Critics claimed it was too insensitive given it was a story about two Cancer-stricken teenagers falling in love. The author, John Green, on the other hand had an entirely different thing to say. In his lengthy Tumblr post which may be found here, Green stated:

"I like the tag line. I found it dark and angry in the same way that Hazel is (at least at times) dark and angry in her humor. I mostly wanted something that said, "This is hopefully not going to be a gauzy, sentimental love story that romanticizes illness and further spreads the lie that the only reason sick people exist is so that healthy people can learn lessons." But that's not a very good tag line. I like the tag line because it says, literally, the sick can also have love stories. Love and joy and romance are not just things reserved for the well," stated Green.

As for the lead stars, Ansel Elgort shares Green's sentiments and found it fitting for the poster. In his Twitter account, Ansel said: "I have no problem with the tagline. It's cheeky."

However, for Shailene Woodley it wasn't what she had hoped for.

"I had a really strong response to it. It's definitely - it's not a tagline that I probably would have chosen by any means. But I think that there's so many people who are so passionate about this book that there's nothing that will ever satisfy everyone. So I think it was just up to the discretion of the marketing mavens. For me, it was - yeah, not something I would have chosen. But it seems like half the people love it and half the people don't like it," said Shailene in an interview with EW.