The show that ran for nine seasons has finally come to an end and people have long waited for who the mother was going to be. Ted Mosby, in his search for the woman that he would love the rest of his life tells his children of how he had met their mother.

He and his friends who live in New York City have had many fun moments together and each finally found the person they want to be with leaving only Ted in search of the woman he will marry. So how does the show end?

CBS showed the one hour finale with how the lives of each character took place after Robin and Barney's wedding and how they would be moving on doing their own things in the future. So what was up with the ending of the show? Well, first of all we would like to remind you of the spoiler alerts if you haven't watch the series finale.

First Robin and Barney get married and go on a honeymoon, Ted meets Tracy and they fall in love. Lily and Marshal will be having another child and the two will be moving to Italy where eventually Marshal will fulfill his dream of being a judge, Robin and Barney divorce but Barney becomes a father to a daughter from another woman and he changes for the best. Ted and Tracy get married and the group is back together again and Ted and Tracy have two children but Tracy dies and Ted is actually telling the story about how he met their mother to his children but he now wants to pursue Robin again and he shows up at Robin's apartment with the blue French horn where everything started.

So what can we say? Enough with Robin and Ted but they should have given more props to the mother, Tracy in which everyone of the show slowly fell in love with as well. She was the perfect woman for Ted and their chemistry and love was palpable for everyone to love the two in the show.

Here is a fan made finale for those who can't get over the series finale of "How I Met Your Mother":

A Fan Edited The Finale Of "How I Met Your Mother" And Made It So Much Better