Here's a more interesting reason why any family should get a dog, particularly a dirty one for the household. Based on increasing evidence out of recent conducted studies, the risk for getting asthma or allergies can be lessened in babies and small kids if they are exposed to a pet dog inside the home.

According to Science Mag, researchers who have conducted the study discovered the positive health effects to a certain microbe that lives inside the gut. It was tested in mice and its results suggest the possibility that if the baby or child will be exposed to the same microbe, then it can lessen the possibility of getting allergies.

Science Daily adds that the study was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and led by Susan Lynch, PhD. When her team thoroughly studied the different types of bacteria found within the mice guts, they discovered the microbe called the Lactobacillus johnsonii. When the bacterium was fed to the mice, they got less sick even during a virus infection. Dr Lynch added that their study led to the suggestion that the bacteria could serve as an important mediator to protect the airways of infants and children against any environmental insult.

This brand new discovery serves as a fresh piece of evidence or proof to the health theory that has been the constant topic of many debates: that a cleaner lifestyle can make people more prone to getting asthma, allergies and other autoimmune disorders. Ms Suzanne Havstad, a biostatistician from Detroit, Michigan, who was not involved in the study, added that the recent study is a huge step to look forward to. "There are a lot of studies which show exposure to pets and/or livestock reduces prevalence of allergic disorder, so this is an exciting and provocative step in understanding the mechanism behind that," Ms Havstad stated.

It was almost 10 years ago when a group of U.S. researchers who were reviewing the health of children who live with pet pooches unravelled that those kids had less chances of developing asthma or suffering from allergies. Other European studies have also show support to this, not only limiting it with pet cats or dogs, but also with livestock.