Just when most women thought that drinking diet sodas help cut down the calorie intake, a new study has revealed that the artificial sweeteners put into them could actually result to an all-together different sickness of type-2 diabetes.

"Contrary to conventional thinking, the risk of diabetes is higher with 'light' beverages compared with 'regular' sweetened drinks," the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) said, noting that diet sodas have an average of 8 teaspoons of sugar per can.

Researchers at Inserm, the French biomedical and public health research institution, came up with the conclusion after following the health and consumption habits of 66,188 women since 1993. The researchers wanted to know the link between sugary drinks and type 2 diabetes, which is the disease's most common type.

Study results revealed women who prefer sodas had a higher risk of diabetes type-2 than women who drank fruit juices.

"Women who drink 'light' or 'diet' sweetened soft drinks drink more of them than those who drink 'normal' sweet soft drinks," the study showed, which is about 2.8 glasses per week as against an average of 1.6 glasses per week, respectively.

When an equal quantity is consumed, Inserm said the risk of contracting diabetes is higher for 'light' or 'diet' drinks than for 'non-light' or 'non-diet' drinks.

"The risk of developing diabetes is 15 per cent greater with the consumption of half a litre per week and 59 per cent greater for the consumption of 1.5 litres per week, respectively," Inserm said.

The findings are published in the latest issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.