'Coronation Street' spoilers for Dec. 8: Robert collapses

"Coronation Street" cast members, including Tristan Gemmill (Robert), Qasim Akhtar (Zeedan), Jack P. Shepherd (David), Brooke Malonie (Lily), Tina O'Brien (Sarah), Lucy Fallon (Bethany), Patti Clare (Mary), Alan Halsall (Tyrone), Andrew Whyment (Kirk), Kym Marsh (Michelle), Julia Goulding (Shona), Shayne Ward (Aidan), Sair Khan (Alya) and Malcolm Hebden (Norris), will be part of the episodes of "Corrie" episodes on Friday. It will feature Robert collapsing at The Bistro and David preparing Lily for her nativity play.
Spoiler Alert! This update has more 'Coronation Street' spoilers 2017. Read on if you want to know about the new episodes of 'Corrie' on Friday.
According to ITV, the first "Corrie" episode which airs on Friday at 7:30 pm GMT, will feature Kirk and Tyrone talking about their wives' feud. They're both hoping that their better halves sort it out already so that they can go back to the way that it was with their friendship.
Digital Spy also reports that Robert will be back working in the Bistro pretending he's not really in pain. As for Zeedan, he'll be at the receiving end of a moody Robert after he says that the quality of the Bistro meat order is not impressive. Plus, Mary will be on the road to forgiveness. Elsewhere, Lily and David will prepare for her nativity play. As for Sarah, she insists that she hates Christmas.
Robert collapses at The Bistro
The second episode of "Corrie Street" which airs on ITV at 8:30 pm GMT, will show Robert collapsing in the kitchen of The Bistro. He'll also inform Michelle that he lost every penny at the casino; that's why he had no choice but to fire Zeedan because he couldn't afford to pay him anymore.
Meanwhile, Aidan will promise Alya that she'll be at the next meeting with Showcase. He'll also apologise for going behind her back. However, Alya will not be impressed by this gesture. As for Sarah, she'll find out something shocking from Shona which could greatly affect her. Click here to see some photos from Digital Spy.
'Coronation Street' recap
These episodes follow Wednesday's dramatic scenes which include Anna's (Debbie Rush) meltdown in jail and George being rushed to the hospital again. Andy's (Oliver Farnworth) friend Matt also informed Luke (Dean Fagan) that Andy has been backpacking around Belize and won't be coming back to the UK soon.
"Coronation St" episodes air in the UK on the ITV channel every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Stay tuned for more "Corrie" spoilers and updates in the following weeks.