Russell Brand
Comedian Russell Brand (C) takes part in a protest by residents and supporters of the New Era housing estate, in central London December 1, 2014. The housing estate residents, in Hoxton, east London, fear they could face higher rents after the estate was bought earlier in the year by an investment group, local media reported. Reuters/Stefan Wermuth

Famous host-actor-comedian turned activist Russell Brand announced Thursday via YouTube video that he is temporarily leaving social media.

In the latest YouTube video of “The Trews,” Brand says that he’s exiting social media and stopping his YouTube show to spend his time on “learning.”

“I’m not going to be doing ‘The Trews,’ I’m not going to be on Twitter, or Facebook. I’m going to be learning because I know real change is coming and I want to be part of that,” Brand is seen saying in the video.

He also reveals the reason behind his move to shun social media. “Media behaves in a very sort of predictable and formulaic manner… if you speak out even in the modest platform, you become the recipient and target of such incredible condemnation that it’s, in a way, overwhelming,” he says.

Last month, Brand was under fire for using a curse word to describe a minute’s silence that was held across U.K., to remember the victims of Tunisia’s beach resort massacre. He claimed that British Government perpetuates a cycle of crime, saying “of the 28 countries on our lists of potential human rights abusers and nations of concern, of those we sell arms to 23.”

“The Trews," for activist Brand, had become a platform to launch vocal campaign for causes such as saving the New Era housing estate in East London.

Brand shared the final episode of “The Trews” on his Twitter feed, and he also said his goodbye along with it. Brand has more than 1 million Youtube subscribers and 10.7 million Twitter followers. The final episode has already gained more than 153, 175 views.

In the video, the 40-years-old actor expressed his gratitude to the people who subscribed to “The Trews" and supported it, as well as participated. He adds he’ll be back with “more truthful, more inclusive” products and “new conversations to the table.”

“We will be ending on a bad pun. Trew to be continued,” he concludes. “Don’t unsubscribe yet. Goodbye for now.”

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