Australia’s coal industry today reaffirmed its ongoing determination to argue for a fairer and better carbon tax.

According to the Australian Coal Association (ACA), the impact of the carbon tax will be felt throughout the economy and the coal industry.

“Our view has not changed. While we acknowledge the vote today, the majority of Australians do not support the current design of the carbon tax,” said ACA chairman John Pegler.

According to him, the carbon tax will undermine the competitiveness of Australian coal mines with no reduction in the amount of global greenhouse gas emissions from coal mining.

Mr Pegler said this is because no other country in the world includes coal mining (or fugitive) emissions in their carbon tax or emission trading schemes.

“Their inclusion in the current legislation is a major flaw,” he said.

“The coal industry will continue to argue that there is a better way to introduce a price on carbon.

“In the case of coal mining the carbon tax should be phased in at the same time as our international competitors ensuring that we don’t harm Australia’s long term economic interests,” Mr Pegler said.