Hollywood actress Kirsten Dunst, 32, is one of the victims of Sunday's mega nude photo leak. She has yet to release a statement, but the actress took to popular social media platform Twitter to post a cryptic message that has taken some publications' cipher experts [pun intended] to decode.

The hacker reportedly took advantage of a leak in Apple iCloud and accessed phones of more than 100 celebrities and copied their private photos. He posted the nude, semi-nude and revealing photos, of mostly female celebrities, on a website.

According to reports, Dunst is topless in the leaked photos that the hacker claims to be of hers. Dunst has not yet denied or confirmed that the photos are hers. However, the blonde beauty took to Twitter to post a one line message that has got everyone guessing about what does she mean. She is thanking iCloud in her message. And, emoticons of pizza and poop have been added after the three word message. Some have donned their cipher expert hats to figure out her Twitter message.

"Thank you iCloud" Dunst tweeted and added pizza and poop emoticon. According to Washington Post's expert, "In Twitterspeak, a pizza emoticon followed by the emoticon for excrement = "piece of s-t."

Huffington Post also has decoded the message. It said, "... if you're like many of us who don't speak emoji, you might not know exactly what Dunst was trying to say with those mysterious emojis at the end of her tweet. We are here to enlighten you."

""Pizza" sounds like "piece of." "Poop" is, you know, "poop," or maybe a synonym," according to Huffington Post's cipher expert.

Meanwhile, Apple has finally released a statement after "actively" investigating to find if iCloud had been hacked. In its statement, the technology industry giant has said, "After more than 40 hours of investigation, we have discovered that certain celebrity accounts were compromised by a very targeted attack on user names, passwords and security questions, a practice that has become all too common on the Internet."

"None of the cases we have investigated has resulted from any breach in any of Apple's systems including iCloud or Find my iPhone. We are continuing to work with law enforcement to help identify the criminals involved."