Part of the PS4 and Xbox One resolutions war is the Call of Duty: Ghosts, as there have been past rumours that the game will have a lower resolution for Microsoft's next-gen console.

And it seems that reports coming in are now stating that PS4 wins by a fraction, which actually means a lot considering the conditions.

Eurogamer reports that natively, Call of Duty: Ghosts is at 1080p resolution on the PS4. And the rumours have also been confirmed that it lays 720p on the Xbox One, but has now been upscaled to1080p.

However, there's also a disclaimer from Activision's Mark Rubin about what to expect for both consoles. "We optimized each console to hit 60 FPS and the game looks great on both. Still on the road, but glad to see the great reception to Extinction."

This pretty much ends the resolution wars in favor of the PS4, but for now, equality for both consoles seem to be the main aim of the developer. Hopefully, that's really what it achieves in the long run.

Next-gen game, a load of perks

A total of 35 perks will be made available, with five perks each for the seven categories, namely Speed, Handling, Stealth, Awareness, Resistance, Equipment and Elite.

Basically, the choice of how to get the perks depends on you, as well as what kind of perks you get to have

"Each of the 35 available Perks is weighted with a point value of 1 through 5. Your loadouts naturally have a pool of 8 points to spend on Perks, up to a total of 12 depending on your loadout choices," said Activision in the post.

According to the post in the official Call of Duty website, perks can be unlocked in two ways. You can either reach the level and Squad Point cost to automatically unlock the perk, or, for those who want to get them early on, you can buy them depending on the amount listed. It's similar to how in-app purchases work.

Funny advertisements released for Call of Duty: Ghosts: Watch them here.

Infographics reveal COD by the numbers

With Call of Duty: Ghosts's upcoming release, Activision has released an infographics sheet depicting some of the interesting facts about the Call of Duty franchise.

The infographics was obtained by IGN and there are some pretty interesting to the point of seeming impossibility in terms of the facts, so better get ready for them.

Beginning with the milder stats, Activision states that there are 100 million people who have played Call of Duty-which is roughly larger than the most populated countries in the world. This has been compared to the likes of Italy, the U.K. , France, and even Germany, which goes to show just how globalized the world of Call of Duty gamers is.

Did you know that the number of shots that have been fired in the game amount to 32.3 quadrillion? Note that there are at least six zeroes in that amount. Also, the care packages in game amount to 31 billion, which can build either 15,000 great pyramids of Giza or even a hundred Great Walls of China.

Also, the number of vehicles that have been destroyed in the game (roughly 5 billion) amounts to five times the actual number of cars all over the world.

And the most surprising (and shocking) fact? The total hours logged by all the players of Call of Duty in the world amounts to 2.85 million years, which is longer than the entirety of human existence on earth.

What do you think? Is this a great achievement for Call of Duty players or what? And just think what Call of Duty: Ghosts will do further for these numbers.