The British Royal Navy has announced its plan to deploy a warship made from plastic to avoid triggering mines. The HMS Ramsey is scheduled to set to the gulf from its base at Faslane, it was reported.

The unique warship was made glass-reinforced plastic instead of the traditional metal so it can get close to waters filled with mines which other Navy ships cannot go for fear of being blown apart.

The 600-tonne Sandown class minehunter will be specifically used to clear passages of mines because its plastic component does not sent out signals that will trigger mines to explode like metal ships do.

The new ship will be deployed off the Suez Canal for four years, the Royal Navy added. The ships will have a crew of 36 and will be rotated every six months. The vessel, managed from Faslane on the Clyde, will be operational the entire time.

Despite being small in size, measuring only 52-metres in length, the HMS Ramsey is equipped with the latest and most modern sonar equipment available.

Captain, Lt Cdr Alex Bush, commented, "We are about to embark on a great adventure which will be a fantastic experience for the crew. In a ship as small as Ramsey we all have to work together to get the job done properly - but what a job that is - clearing the seaways for other ships to follow."

Bush reminded everyone that Britain's trades are still mostly done by sea so it is imperative for the British Royal Navy to ensure that all sea trading routes are safe.

"This is the Royal Navy's way of playing its part in keeping those sea passages safe for trade as well as for our bigger warships. Those ships, with their steel hulls, couldn't go into action without our clearing the way for them first," he added.