Ed and Lorraine Warren /September 8, 1981 Source: The Providence Journal Files

Paranormal Investigators Lorraine and Ed Warren claimed to have investigated over 10,000 hauntings during the active years in their career. This declaration will definitely get movie studios moving quickly to reach Lorraine to offer a film franchise for the so-called 'Warren Files'. Well, one lucky movie studio already did.

According to Variety, "The Conjuring's" distributor, New Line Cinema, plans to explore "a potential franchise based on the Warren's investigations, which also involved cases that wound up as the movies "The Amityville Horror" and "The Haunting in Connecticut'".

New Line president Toby Emmerich said, "We have Lorraine's permission and support, and we are working on developing another film."

The Warrens were among the first to investigate on the Amityville demonic encounters experienced by George and Kathy Lutz when they moved into their new home in Long Island, New York, while the story behind "The Haunting in Connecticut" involved necromancy according to the seance couple.

On the other hand, "The Conjuring," which earned a total $95,966, 628 to date and still continuing to do well in other countries, centres on the Perron family who experienced disturbing events in their homes such as apparitions and demonic possessions.

Members of the Perron family who lived in the Burrisville farmhouse in the 1970s strongly support the movie's claims, some of them even appearing in "The Conjuring's" promotional materials.

(Back row from l-r) The real Perron sisters Cindy, Nancy, April, Christine, and Andrea with (front row l-r) actors Mackenzie Foy, Hayley McFarland, Kyla Deaver, Joey King, and Shanley Caswell on the set of 'The Conjuring'. / Source: Warner Bros.

Andrea Perron, one of the five Perron sisters, told The Providence Journal that the only time she was truly terrified in the house was when she thought she saw her mother, Carolyn, die. "She spoke in a voice we had never heard before,” and “a power not of this world threw her 20 feet into another room," she said.

Roger, Andrea's father who is now 77 years old, believed that her wife was possessed. " Her entire body was distorted. … And it lasted several hours, until they de-demonized her."

Andrea came to admit that although the story is very true, “some elements of the film are very accurate and some are fiction." She and Lorraine handed over all their files and writings to the producers.

Lorraine Warren is now 86 years old. /Source: Warner Bros.

Ed, who was also a demonologist, died in 2006 but Lorraine, 86, continued to pursue investigating paranormal cases. She also manages a private Occult Museum located at the back of her house in Monroe, Connecticut.

Meanwhile, Horror-Movies.ca has reported that the writers of "The Conjuring", Carey and Chad Hayes have already signed up to do a potential sequel.