Bill Cosby Heckled At Last Leg Of Canada Show

Bill Cosby faced numerous protests at the last stop of his Canada tour at Hamilton Place Theatre. According to recent reports, the famous comedian was heckled at his last show where protesters stormed the area with slogans and banners.
According to National Post, the 77-year-old famed comedian has to face immense protests both inside and outside the venue. Merely five minutes into the show, some 30 women stood up and revealed their white T-shirts printed with the slogan, "We believe the women." The protest was accompanied by chanting and whistling, while Cosby's supporters fought back with responses of their own during the show.
Hecklers were reportedly ushered out of the area, and were joined by roughly 150 other protesters outside who also raised slogans slamming Cosby as a rapist.
Cosby has predicted at the start of the show that such an outrage could occur. He subsequently requested his supporters to remain calm and patient. The show went on after the short interruption, and ended with a standing ovation from the remaining members of the audience.
It was reported earlier that Cosby had decided to go ahead with his three scheduled shows in Canada. The other two shows were comparatively peaceful with only a handful of protesters outside the venue.
During his earlier gig in Canada, Cosby has cracked a joke about the accusations which have erupted in past couple of months. "You have to be careful about drinking around me," joked Cosby to a woman at his London, Ontario show.
As reported earlier, Cosby is in the middle of renewed allegations from about 20 women accusing him of drugging and sexual assault. Although he has not been charged in any of the cases since all the reports are decades old, the allegations have badly damaged his fatherly image in the eye of the public.
Several women, including former model Beverly Johnson, have accused Cosby with similar charges. The nature of the accusations are quite similar, which involve spiking the victim's drinks and taking advantage of them sexually.