Big Brother Australia has revealed the “biggest twist” that Nine Network has been hinting for weeks. And while not entirely a new concept, the twist still got viewers excited watching where the housemates would end up as the 10th season of the reality show launched Monday.

The show opened with montage of the show’s 14 years history all over the world, including showing the previous winners of the Australian franchise. Then host Sonia Kruger danced.

But that was just the start. Sonia got right on to introducing the first housemate, then letting her choose a key to enter the Big Brother house. Each key would open either the yellow or the blue door, both entrances to the house but have different, oh so different, living arrangements behind them.

And that’s the twist.

Depending on what door their chosen key opened, the housemates were stuck in a luxurious pad or in a depressing, smaller space, which they call the Halfway House, on the other side.

And probably the worst thing is that the house has been divided by clear Plexiglas bars that allow house guests from either side to brag about their posh living arrangement or look longingly to the other side.

As early as the first day, there are housemates that already stood out. Ben, 30-year-old and currently unemployed, caught the attention of his fellow housemates for being “too eccentric,” but it’s pretty clear that he’s not only harmless, but likeable as well.

Tim, a university student, on the other hand, wasn’t winning friends or fans exactly on the first day. He got point, however, for being a standout; he claims he’s just an honest guy, but some people mistake him for being rude.

Of course, the Big Brother house wouldn’t be complete without the rule breakers, and the viewers got to know two of them early on. Tahan, who was stuck in the Halfway House, dipped in the other side’s Jacuzzi even after Big Brother specifically prohibited them from crossing the other side. As punishment, she must wear her yellow bikini for 24 hours straight, to the delight of the male viewers and housemates.

Caleb, also stuck in the Halfway House, had to give up half of his clothes to Big Brother for 24 hours as well after he got halfway across the barrier.

Meet the housemates:

Halfway House:
Mikkayla, 23 – English teacher from NSW
Xavier, 27 – Property manager from Victoria
Tahan, 24 – Government worker and part-time model from Darwin
Tully, 25 – Social media strategist from NSW
Matthew, 27 – Ex-infantry soldier from Queensland
Caleb, 33 – Fire fighter from Melbourne

Safe House:
Ben, 30 – Unemployed from Queensland
Tim, 29 – University student from Sydney
Sharon, 41 – Personal trainer and a mum of three from Victoria
Ed, 26 – Sports manager from Victoria
Heidi, 29 – Radio announcer from NSW
Jasmin, 24 – Flight attendant from Victoria

And oh, yes, there’s another twist, as Sonia had hinted before. Two more housemates are entering the house, and they’re going to pretend they’re married even though they are complete strangers. Jade and Drew, who have never met each other, will be acting like married lovebirds when they enter the house on Tuesday night.

Missed the entire episode? Watch it here:

‘Big Brother Australia’ Host Sonia Kruger Reveals Biggest Twist Has A Twist [Read]

‘Big Brother Australia’ Biggest Twist Begins Monday [Read]